1. The trainees are to behave with decorum, show respect to the staff and authorities and friendliness and good manners towards companions.
2. Conduct inconsistent with the moral tone of the institute, viz. habitual neglect of work or failure to respond to official notices, objectionable reading materials or images, smoking and use of tobacco, betel-nut, alcohol or drugs in any form, stealing, immorality and causing communal disharmony will invite severe punishment which may include dismissal.
3. Damage caused to equipment and property will have to be made good by the trainee. In case the offender is not identified, damage will be recovered from the whole group concerned.
4. No act of indiscipline, insubordination, demonstration, interference in the administration, disrespect to any member of the staff, disrespect to any religion or community by the trainees or parents shall not be tolerated and the delinquent may even be expelled from the school.